Individual interview questions

We encourage all applicants to review the Summer Student Associate Individual Interview Questions. Applicants should reflect on how they plan to respond to each question, while being mindful of the time each response is taking them. These are the exact questions that will be asked during the individual interviews. We will also provide a copy of these questions to applicants during the interview.

Sample interview questions

Review these questions to help you prepare for the interview.

What is your understanding of the Summer Student Associate role and its time commitment?

This question lets us know if you have read the position description. Before answering this question, you need to fully understand the Summer Student Associate position. You will also want to reflect on why you are applying for the role.  This is an opportunity to explain not only why you want to be a Summer Student Associate but also what you can bring to the table.  Please share anything and everything that can give us a keen insight into your motivations for applying to the position while also demonstrating that you understand the role.

Tell us about how you would approach a situation in which someone asks you something you do not know the answer to.

In this answer, the interviewer is trying to understand how you think on your feet and use the resources available to you. In the Summer Student Associate role you will be calling many new incoming students, many of whom are both very excited and nervous to come to WashU. They may ask you very niche questions about resources or opportunities at WashU that you might not know off of the top of your head. We want to hear that you will be honest with the student, find a time to follow-up with them, and utilize available resources to answer their question.

How would you describe WashU to a new student who has expressed apprehension about coming to the university?

An important role of the Summer Student Associate role is validating the feelings of nervousness or excitement that new students may be feeling. With that being said, we also want Summer Student Associates to be honest, helpful, and positive when interacting with new students. We want to hear that you can validate their nervous feelings, while positively framing WashU, Fall Welcome, and the upcoming transition. 

What questions do you have for us?

Have 1-2 questions prepared for us. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the role and what you will be doing throughout the year. Is there something unclear about the position that you want some clarity on?