While it may be easier to maintain a relationship with the bank you use at home, many students find that it works in their favor to have an account with a local bank. We encourage you to shop for the bank that most closely meets your needs.
On-campus banking
Bank of America ATMs are located on campus outside Mallinckrodt, on the South 40 outside Gregg House, and in the Village inside the Village House.
Off-campus banking
In addition to the Bank of America ATMs on campus, there is a Bank of America branch, along with several other bank branches conveniently located near campus.
Bank of America
- 8100 Forsyth Blvd
- 314-405-3322
Citizens National Bank of Greater St. Louis
- 7305 Manchester Road
- 314-645-0666
Commerce Bank
- 6630 Delmar Blvd., 8000 Forsyth Blvd., 7910 Clayton Road, & 6383 Clayton Road
- 800-453-2255
Regions Bank
- 6680 Delmar Blvd.
- 314-797-6510
US Bank
- 10 N. Hanley Road
- 800-872-2657
Upcoming events
There are not currently any upcoming events scheduled. Please check back for new events to be added.
In the meantime, if you’d like to explore campus events, please visit Happenings at WashU.