Our selection process is two-fold: (1) Submit a written application and (2) Individual interview. Below is information regarding each step in the process. 

To initiate your application, please complete all steps in Part 1: Written Application. At the end of your written application, you will be prompted to sign up for Part 2: an Individual Interview time slot.  

Part One: Written Application

In order to apply for the 2SA Position, you must complete ALL steps below. Applicants who fail to complete or pass one of the below steps will not be considered for the role.

Step one: prepare a resume and cover letter

A Resume and Cover Letter Prompt is provided. This prompt outlines how your resume and cover letter should be formatted and what information should be included. Please follow the prompt carefully. 

A few tips: 

Use the position description to guide your writing. 
Proofread your submissions. 
Have someone you trust review your resume and cover letter. 
Utilize the following services from the Center for Career Engagement for additional support.
Utilize services from the Writing Center for additional support.

Step two: ask someone to serve as your reference

Recommendation forms should be submitted by your reference by Monday, March 4, 2024.

Recommendations should be completed by a WashU faculty or staff member, current or former supervisor, high school instructor or staff member, or your current RA or 2SA. WashU student supervisors may also serve as a reference. However, WashU students who are not your current RA, 2SA, or supervisor and family members are not appropriate references for the 2SA position.  

The person completing your recommendation should be someone who can speak to your interpersonal skills and work style. 

Please send your reference an email with the following information in advance so they have time to complete it:

When you submit your online application form, you will be asked to submit the name, position title, email address, and phone number of your reference; make sure you have this available when completing your application. 

It’s also helpful to send your reference a copy of your resume and a brief summary of why you are applying for the position and what you hope to gain from the experience.

Step three: Submit an application

After you submit your application, you will receive an email confirming your application has been received and reminding you to send the recommendation form link to your reference. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application was not received. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact Student Transitions & Family Programs 

Make sure to leave plenty of time to submit your application–they are time stamped; we are not able to accept late applications. 

The 2SA application is now closed.

Part Two: Individual Interview

Every 2SA applicant will be taken directly to a sign-up for an individual interview with two STFP members after the submission of their written application. 

Interviews will take place between Tuesday, March 5, and Thursday, March 7.  

Interviews are 30-minute behavior-based interviews where applicants will be asked to share examples of experiences or instances applicable to the questions. Applicants will also be asked to share personal reflections and understanding of the role and department.  

Business casual dress

We ask applicants to arrive to their interviews in business casual dress. We recognize that dress codes are form of societal oppression and acknowledge that students must learn to navigate these expectations to be successful in future workplaces.

We use this as an opportunity for applicants to practice business casual dress during interviews for the future. We do not take applicant dress in consideration in the process.

We understand that not everyone may own business casual attire. We recommend you try borrowing clothes from a friend or checking the Trading Post located under Gregg Hall. 

For examples of business casual attire, please see below:

Business casual attire includes clothing such as a dress shirt, khakis, a skirt, dress, dress pants, and closed-toed shoes.
Business casual does not include jeans, leggings, sneakers, shorts, and/or sandals.

Resources to prepare for an individual interview

We encourage applicants to refer to the Center for Career Engagement for opportunities to practice interviewing skills.

One resource the Center for Career Engagement provides is Big Interview, an online portal that assists with various interview skills and techniques.

Request for Accommodations

If you are in need of any accommodations during the application and/or interview process, please reach out to Maggie Hermann, STFP Administrative Coordinator and Accommodations Manager. She will work with you to determine the best path forward.

Accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

Reading/writing tasks
Computer-based tasks
Physical tasks including walking or lifting
Religious accommodations and observances

Sample questions

Review these individual and sample questions to help you prepare for the interview.