The student executive board helps to create, plan, and implement programs that aid new students and their parents & families in their academic, social, and personal transition to Washington University. Each student executive board member holds a specific chair position and works to implement our various programs.

2024 members

Cole Bernstein

First-Year WUSA Chair

Second Year Student Associate (2SA) Chair

Grace Dahlen

First-Year WUSA Chair

Kayla Dhalla

First-Year WUSA Chair

Nora  Jarquin

First-Year WUSA Chair

Seo-Eun Kim

First-Year WUSA Chair

Cela Lopez

First-Year WUSA Chair

Nico McEvoy

First-Year WUSA Chair

Nethanya Merlain-Moffatt

First-Year WUSA Chair

Ali Roche

First-Year WUSA Chair

Fareeha Siddique

First-Year WUSA Chair

Macey Slightom

First-Year WUSA Chair