Individual interview questions

Review these questions to prepare for your interview.

  1. To begin, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself. 
  2. How would you describe the 2SA position?  Additionally, please explain your understanding of the time commitment.   
  3. Tell us about a time you served as a role model or mentor to someone. In what ways was this experience mutually beneficial? 
  4. 2SAs will serve as role models and representatives of the Student Transitions & Family Programs for the second-year student experience:  Tell us about a time you acted as a representative of a group or organization that you were part of.  What was important to you in that role?  How did you know you were acting as a positive representative of that group? 
  5. Tell us about a time when you worked on a group project or were part of a team. What role did you play on that team to move the project forward, and what have you learned from that experience? 
  6. At times, we all drop the ball or make a mistake, including the two of us. Tell us about a time when you did not follow through on a commitment or made an unfortunate mistake. How did you rectify the situation? 
  7. What elements do you think are important in cultivating an inclusive environment?   
  8. Building rapport with students quickly can be a difficult part of this position. Describe action steps you would take to ensure there is a welcoming environment for students who may feel less comfortable in group situations. 
  9. Why should we select you to be a Second-Year Student Associate? 
  10. What questions do you have for us? 

Sample interview questions

Review these questions to help you prepare for the interview.

Tell us about yourself. 

We will begin by asking you to share a little about yourself. This should be your 30-60 second elevator pitch: year in school, what you’re studying, and campus or community involvement. This is an opportunity for us to really get to know you as an individual. We hope you can share meaningful aspects or insights into your life. Please note that the STFP is looking for a diverse pool of applicants, so we want you to present your authentic and genuine self.

What is your understanding of the 2SA role?

Before answering this question, you need to fully understand the 2SA position. You should review the position description and reflect on the role’s responsibilities. You will also want to reflect on why you are applying for the role. When answering this question, be as honest as you can. Avoid cliché answers of “I want to help people.” Let the interviewers know more specifically why you want this position. This is an opportunity to explain not only why you want to be a 2SA but also what you can bring to the table. Did you have a positive experience with your 2SA that inspired you to apply? Please share anything and everything that can give us a keen insight into your motivations for applying to the position. 

Tell us about a situation you have been involved in where there were individuals who had different opinions than you.
  • In this answer, the interviewers are trying to determine how you handle conflicts. As a student leader, you will be working many hours with people who will have different personalities and perspectives from your own and the interviewers want an honest assessment of how you handle these situations.
  • Even if the example you give does not have a perfect ending or may show you were at fault, you can use this example to show what you have learned since then and the changes you will make in the future.
  • Think about class projects or teams that you have been a part of, roommate conflicts, problems at work, or conflicts that have arisen with customers you have worked with in the past.
  • One of your roles as a 2SA may be to manage conflict. We are looking for individuals who are adept at conflict management and resolution. We want to see how you respond to conflict and how you navigate tricky issues that you or your future cohort students may experience.
Describe a time when you needed to seek out academic help for one of your classes. What advice would you give to a student struggling academically?

One role of a 2SA may be to direct students to proper academic resources. Think about places or people you’ve gone for help or would go to if need be. The interviewers want to hear about your understanding of WashU’s resources and how students should access them, as well as the support you would provide for your students struggling with the academic transition. We want to hear about your experiences navigating your academic career at WashU since as a 2SA, you may be helping second-year students access academic resources to find success on campus.

What questions do you have for us?

Have 1-2 questions prepared for us. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the role and what you will be doing throughout the year. Is there something unclear about the position that you want some clarity on?

Follow these tips to succeed during the application and interview process to become a Summer Student Associate.