On Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday evening, your residential community will attend an event called The Date, a theatrical performance presented by the Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Center. The program addresses the complexities of college relationships and includes sexual assault.

We recognize content about sexual assault and related topics can be very uncomfortable to observe or discuss. We believe there is value in education about these very real topics that affect our community, despite the discomfort. We believe this problem deserves a community solution, thus beginning with a community understanding. The ripples of relationship and sexual violence impact our entire community. The Date, our first-year orientation program about some of these topics, reflects our passion and commitment to education on these topics, as well as our belief in community responsibility to end sexual violence. Realizing this is uncomfortable for everyone, we are providing counseling staff on site during the program if anyone would like to talk.

This is a mandatory program. Missing the program results in an academic hold being placed on your student record, preventing you from adjusting your course schedule. Further instructions on making up the program to remove the academic hold will come from the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office (GETIXCO).

For anyone who may have had a recent experience and has significant concerns about attending this program, please reach out to Kim Webb, director, RSVP Center. Kim can waive this requirement for certain circumstances, and more importantly, can share available support resources.